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Prevention is the best medicine


Celiac disease is a chronic, autoimmune condition that affects the small intestine of people who are genetically predisposed. Its development in the vast majority of cases begins in childhood, with children aged 1 and 3 years, but it can appear at any age, including adults. It is caused by intolerance to gluten, a protein found in wheat, oats, barley, rye and its derivatives, such as pasta, pizzas, cakes, breads, cookies, beer, whiskey, vodka and some sweets. Whoever suffers from this condition, when exposed to gluten, the body cannot absorb nutrients from food, vitamins, minerals and water in the ideal way.


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The clinical picture of the disease can manifest with or without symptoms. And the symptoms and signs can vary from person to person, however, be aware of the most common ones: Chronic diarrhea (which lasts more than 30 days); Constipation; Anemia; Lack of appetite; Vomiting; Weight loss / obesity; Growth delay; Altered mood: irritability or discouragement; Abdominal distension (swollen belly); Abdominal pain; Flatulence; Repeating thrush; Skin lesions; Infertility; Osteoporosis / osteopenia. But it is important to remember that some people with celiac disease have no symptoms when they are diagnosed.


The diagnosis of the disease can be difficult and time-consuming, as the symptoms are very varied and constantly associated with other diseases. The delay in diagnosis leads to deficiencies in the child's development. In some cases it manifests only in adulthood, depending on the degree of gluten intolerance, affecting men and women. But the main tests for the diagnosis of celiac disease are: Blood tests with dosage of antibodies specific to the disease (ex: Antiendomísio and Antitransglutaminase); Small intestine biopsy performed during digestive endoscopy exam. This examination shows atrophy of the intestinal mucosa and an increase in the number of inflammatory cells (lymphocytes) in the patient's intestine.


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The gluten-free diet is the only possible treatment for celiac disease. When protein (gluten) is excluded from the diet, the symptoms disappear. However, the greatest difficulty for patients is to live with the restrictions imposed by new eating habits. Celiac patients who continue to eat gluten-free foods are at increased risk of developing other diseases, such as thyroid, liver, kidney and skin diseases. It is important for celiacs to be aware also of the possibility of developing bowel cancer and having infertility problems.


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The best way to manage the symptoms of celiac disease and prevent future health problems is to follow a strict gluten-free diet. It is also necessary to take care of your body's immune function by preventing nutrient deficiencies, reducing stress and getting enough sleep. The goal of a diet for a celiac patient is to include more anti-inflammatory and healthy foods in order to repair the digestive tract / gastrointestinal tract and cure any nutrient deficiency. These foods include organic animal products, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and probiotic foods. As gluten is “hidden” in many processed and processed foods, it is recommended that the celiac sufferer know what are the safe and unsafe food options for their condition. Among the released foods are: Cereals: rice, corn; Flours: cassava, rice, corn, cornmeal, starch; Fats: nuts; oils; Fruits: all, natural and juice; Dairy products: milk, butter, cheeses and derivatives; Vegetables and legumes: leaves, carrots, tomatoes, green beans, beans, soybeans, chickpeas, peas, lentils, yams, yams, potatoes, cassava and others; Meat and eggs: poultry, pigs, cattle, goats, kids, fish, seafood.


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When diagnosed as celiac, the most important thing you should do is to avoid all products that contain wheat, barley or rye. Gluten constitutes about 80% of the protein found in these three grains. In addition to avoid eating these grains in whole grains or forms of flour, you need to be very careful about consuming packaged foods in general and also foods prepared in the restaurant, since many have traces of wheat or gluten in them. Foods that contain gluten to prevent a celiac disease diet include: All products that contain wheat, barley, rye. Read the ingredient labels carefully and look for any type of wheat, spelled, semolina, rye, barley and even oats. Processed carbohydrate foods: These are often made with refined wheat flour, but even those that are not predominantly wheat-based can have gluten, because some gluten-free grains can experience cross-contamination during manufacture. Examples of processed carbs to avoid include breads, pastas, cookies, cakes, cereal bars, cereals, cakes, pies, baking flours and so on. Most flours: wheat flours and products that include bran, wheat flour, durum wheat flour and white flour. Beer and alcoholic malt beverages: they are made with barley or wheat. Gluten Free Grains (in some cases): Due to cross contamination during manufacture, some grains that do not contain gluten can sometimes contain small amounts of it. Be careful with packaging that says “wheat free” as this does not necessarily mean “gluten free”. Bottled condiments and sauces: It is important to read food labels very carefully and avoid products made with additive ingredients that even contain small amounts of gluten. Wheat is now chemically transformed into preservatives, stabilizers and other additives that are used in liquid products. These include any spices made with almost all flour products, soy sauce, salad dressings or marinades, malts, syrups, dextrin and starch. Added sugars: High in calories, they can worsen inflammation and decrease your body's nutrients. In order for the celiac person to have a better quality of life and not be at risk of developing aggravating symptoms, it is necessary that they restrict the foods mentioned above from their diet.

Nutritionist Gézyca Dayane / CRN 19-409

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